Friends of Coes Pond

As reported in the Telegram and WoMag, there will be a meeting today at 4pm at Coes Pond to discuss possible improvements to the beach and to the Coes Knife property.   The meeting will start at the former Big D/Price Chopper supermarket on Mill Street.

From an email I received from Gary Rosen:

Sue Swanson, a co-founder of the Friends of Coes Pond, refers folks to the Coes Pond Master Plan, at It makes for some interesting reading. And Sue provides some more thoughts below:

Current Vision:
Mill Street Beach
It is well known that the city of Worcester has invested a great deal of effort and financial resources to create water recreational opportunities for city residents. Still, the number of water recreational facilities/beaches is woefully inadequate. Pools quickly reach capacity and mainstream beaches, such as state operated Quinsigamond Lake and Worcester’s Indian Lake, are distant from the majority of neighborhoods. Given the limited number of neighborhood swimming facilities and beaches, it is appropriate to explore the feasibility of developing the Mill Street Beach to its former glory – where a safe and beautiful natural resource can serve the water recreational needs of Worcester residents.

Universally designed park at the former Coes Knife Factory Property
The city of Worcester has made great strides in the environmental protection, historic preservation and economic development of Worcester’s open space and recreational opportunities. Its commitment is nowhere more apparent than in the recently completed 2013 Open Space and Recreation Plan Update where one of its basic goals is to plan and design open space improvements to meet current and future needs. One specific need is a park that offers passive and active recreational opportunities for persons of all ages and all ability levels. This means a park that would include the creation of a universally accessible playground, raised-bed community gardens, firm and stable wheelchair friendly walking paths as well as a gazebo, park benches and picnic tables. There is no other universally accessible park of this kind in Massachusetts with the exception of a recently completed playground at the Charlestown Navy Yard in Boston.

3 thoughts on “Friends of Coes Pond

  1. stephen boisseau says:

    i want to help stephen boisseau 508 751 0668

  2. elmparkblogger says:

    it was so nice seeing “Sam Adams” in the Telegram photo

    How many folks know that his born name is “Sam Gould” of the Gould family that ran Big Discount and that “”Mr Adams” stiffed local contractors to the tune of $30-40m on the family name and then HAD to change his name and live out in California as there were (are) rumors of a price on his head?

    This all happened just BEFORE the family sold off the store chain, and these suckers, I mean, contractors all thought they stood on solid financial ground with “Mr. Adams”

    All I could think of when I saw that photo was how he just wants the City fix up the Coes pond area around that land and then cash in

    Perhaps the City buys it for what it’s actually worth: 1.2m (maybe, on a good day) rather than increase the value of it for HIS benefit“42-032-01+3A”


    As the City ponders what to do about this dead water site, it is clear that the area from Lakewood to the Elks is the most in need of more plant life.

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