Introducing…Wormtown Fleet!

Part of what makes Jeff Barnard the premier Worcester blogger is not just his wit, or his writing talent, or his prodigious output. 

For me personally, and for many other area bloggers, Jeff has been a mentor who works to encourage and promote other bloggers.  He created a one-stop shop listing Worcester area blogs, and he frequently links to other, lesser-known bloggers.  As any Worcester blogger knows, a link from Jeff means lots of hits, and  most of us have gotten plenty of readers through the Worcester blog list

Jeff has made himself available (to me, and to others) numerous times for advice, and the best piece of advice he gave me was to include more pictures in my blog.  He told me to keep a camera on me and just snap away when I saw something interesting.  It’s obvious that I never took that advice.  I never needed to; Jeff took enough pictures for the whole blogging community. 

Face it: with Jeff spending most of his time at home fighting his illness, you’re missing your daily fix of Bump Installation Crews, politician sightings, Newton Square updates, and only-in-Worcester photos

And we’re missing it too! 

Since it would take a fleet of cars to continue creating all the photo posts one taxi driver was able to do for so long, the bloggers of Worcester have decided to band together to form the Wormtown Fleet

This is not the cast of Wormtown Fleet


Every day, at least one Worcester area blogger will post a photo (accompanied by a witty or insightful comment) to his/her blog. You can get a complete list of the posts here

Wormtown Fleet may feature cameo appearances by Will W. W.


If you don’t have a blog and would like to contribute a post, please let me (or your favorite blogger) know and we’ll gladly post what you send us. 

We’re all wishing Jeff a speedy recovery!

13 thoughts on “Introducing…Wormtown Fleet!

  1. Tracy says:

    Wait…we need a witty or insightful comment?

  2. […] was kind enough to get a group blogging project off the ground today, a tribute to our friend Jeff Barnard who’s too busy beating down some […]

  3. Jim Gonyea says:

    Sounds like fun. I don’t get out much since I’m a homebody, but I’ll make sure I start snapping photos when I do.

  4. […] been a while since I posted here (been pretty busy with school and Press Pass TV), but Nicole’s new tribute to Jeff of Wormtown Taxi inspired me to snap a shot from the car while I was out doorknocking in […]

  5. Mary Depew says:


    Thank you – what a great idea – I absolutely love it – I am just thrilled to see this group come together in Jeff’s honor!

    Thank You Thank You Thank You!


  6. Mary Depew says:

    I have an idea for anyone that could make it happen:

    I want to buy a Wormtown Fleet Bumper Sticker – I would try to be the first in line – Where can I get one? May I kindly suggest that all proceeds go to Jeff and Kathy?

    NO BUMPER STICKER EVER goes on my car but I would proudly display Wormtown Fleet on my vehicle. LOVE THAT LOGO!

  7. Joan Gage says:

    Please count me in on anything I can do to help Jeff. He has often plugged my blog “ARolling Crone” when I wrote about Worcester subjects and I am as distressed as everyone else to hear about his terrible health problems.


  8. Gabe says:

    This is incredible Nicole. I also don’t post enough pictures. Very nice tribute to a pretty great writer.

  9. Jo List says:

    I cannot thank all of you enough for the love and support you continue to show for my brother. Being so far away from him right now is extremely difficult, but knowing all of you care so much, and respect him so much, is a great comfort to me on this long distance line.

    Thank you so very much.

  10. […] Local bloggers have started a “Wormtown Fleet” photo project to make up for the lack of photos from the ailing Jeff Barnard. Below, the kid […]

  11. […] to find more Wormtown Fleet posts. I wasn't sure what I was going to do for my first Wormtown Fleet post. Then I saw what Jeff Barnard had to say about our collective blogging project. His post makes […]

  12. jpm01609 says:

    The site is one of my daily “must read” sites. Its usefulness is beyond question for folks interested in the hyperlocal blogging scenes and events of Worcester. Who’s is going to be its caretaker? The fleet?

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